#marlene mcfly
butchedgarfrog · 1 year
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looks at you with my big beady eyes does anyone have a clearer pic of these pages or at least know where these are from pretty pleak with cherries on top
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ringoandolive · 1 year
Michael J Fox approaching playing Marlene McFly earnestly and doing research w/ women in his life about what it's like to be a woman instead of treating it like a big joke bc he's in drag is really kind of endearing
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knickynoo · 6 months
I don't know if you've done this before: headcanons on Marty Junior and Marlene?
I'm almost positive I have done some sort of Junior and Marlene headcanon post, but I can't find it, so here are some off the top of my head. Gonna go with the versions of them that I imagine for the timeline that's fixed—where the Rolls Royce accident never happened—and Marty and Jennifer aren't miserable, lol. I think both Junior and Marlene would be more well adjusted in that one (especially Junior!)
• The difference in their personalities is evident to Marty and Jen pretty much from the start, with Marlene being the louder, more demanding of the twins and Junior being a much "easier" baby.
• They're extremely close, and Marlene naturally takes on the role of Junior's protector. Often, Marty and Jen have to remind Marlene to take a step back because she's being a little too much of a mother-hen to her brother, and they want Junior to learn to stand on his own two feet.
• Fixed-timeline Junior is quite different from the version of him in the 2015 we see in the movie. He's been raised in a more stable environment with a father who hasn't been defeated by life, so he's not the wimpy, scared little greasy guy who's easily pushed around. He's more sure of himself, not so easily frazzled, and is every bit as big-hearted as his father.
• Junior is not neurotypical. (How can he be? Look at Marty and George) I don't have a specific diagnosis in mind, but I know a draft of part II made reference to him being in a remedial school (and failing) so there's likely some learning disorder at play. In one of my Doctober chapters that include two-year-old versions of the twins, Clara's excited to learn that Junior has picked up a few new words—meanwhile, Marlene is using full sentences—so I do headcanon him as having been delayed in some areas.
[Side note: in that same scene, Doc tells Marty not to worry about Junior's progress, since Jules didn't start speaking until three-and-a-half, lol]
• Marty loves, loves, loves Marlene so much, but sometimes he thinks that she will be the death of him. Especially when she's young and full of sass and always getting into everything and he's struggling to keep up with her. He and Jen 100% lose Marlene in the mall on more than one occasion, and when they find her, she's just like, *shrug.*
• The twins have a special bond with Doc and Clara. Clara dotes on them but is especially close with Junior while Doc is closer to Marlene. When the kids are little and Marty and Jen feel like they're about to collapse from exhaustion, they dump Junior and Marlene at the Brown home and know they'll be well taken care of.
• As Marlene gets older, she's really into fashion, so she's close with her Aunt Linda. I can see Marlene being popular, but she's the type of popular girl who's liked by everyone. She has attitude, but she's not mean.
• Junior is just...Junior. He loves life and is out there doing his thing. He's the type who has a new hobby or interest every week, and Marty and Jen just have to roll with it. He walks in from school one day and goes, "I'm going to be a famous dancer, I decided" and then a week later says, "I want to learn to build a car" and they're just like, "Oh. Okay."
• I think they'd both try to learn an instrument at some point (likely guitar taught by Marty) but I can't decide if either of them would stick with it long term. Somehow, I don't see them being musicians.
• There's a part of me that wants to say an older Marlene eventually learns about time travel and all the wild stuff Marty went through. Idk how it would happen, though. Maybe she overhears something whispered between her parents in private or maybe she's just very perceptive and notices her father being weird about certain events in his life, so she corners him and is like, "Okay, Dad, spill the beans." Perhaps she's also put together some clues in all her time spent with Doc.
Thats about all I've got for now. Thanks for the ask!
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nemmet · 2 years
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a thousand apologies for the delay, but thank you to everyone who submitted a character!! i had an absolute blast with this one :D
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mjf-af · 1 year
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POV: marty shops for marlene's birthday
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bg-sparrow · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲 || day 23 Marlene's Plan
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Griff is not ready when Marlene storms into school Thursday morning, smacks him, and seizes the neck of his shirt with an iron fist. 
“What the hell, Marlene –”
She slams his back into the lockers, finally getting his attention.
“You got my brother put in jail!”
“Hey, he got himself put in jail.”
“Helping you!”
“Well, maybe he wouldn’t have had to help me if you’d’ve gone through with it last week like you said you would instead of bailing over our little breakup.”
“Is that what this is about?”
“You’re going with me to get him out.”
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marlenemyybeloved · 2 months
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bgsbracelets · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || bracelet edition || 🌲 || day 23
Marlene's Plan
Type: Glass || Metal: Silver || Weight 0.6 oz || Beaded Length: 6.00"
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mythical-bookworm · 10 months
Day 3: Music
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Just Marty playing some Christmas music for Junior and Marlene! (Their around 7 at this point)
Jennifer's in there I promise she's just watching in front of the imaginary camera that is capturing this scene.
You don't need amps for electric guitars in the bttf future take my word for it 🤫
I promise I didn't forget about this, it just ended up taking me an extra week to have time to focus on this oops-
I have no clue how far I'm going to get through this seeing my schedule but I for sure want to at least get through prompt 10 (My idea for 10 makes me want to cry happy tears I'm so excited for it)
Time taken: ~4.5 hours (Not quite sure as I accidentally left this open for a while doing nothing so my timer is messed up)
Did something experimental with the background trying to make it kinda light and then fade away. It's better than I expected it to turn out but not quite what I was imagining in my head. It was pulled off though so I'm happy.
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them-bo-dacious · 4 months
happy pride to my fav lowkey homophobic father and his queer kids lmao
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butchedgarfrog · 4 months
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back to the funnies
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Marlene + "10:04 PM" | Requested by @stillpreoccupiedwith1985
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knickynoo · 3 months
McFly July Day 19: Playing Hooky
Lone Pine timeline with happily married Jennifer and Marty
Marty paused at the curb, watching a steady stream of cars pass by on the busy road before one finally stopped, flashing its lights to signal him to go ahead and cross. He threw a wave of thanks to the driver and jogged across the street, then checked his watch and smiled. He was making good time—would probably even get to the café a few minutes ahead of his and Jen’s scheduled brunch date—and was already looking forward to gloating about it. Contrary to her teasing, he wasn’t always late.
Turning a corner, he stopped short at the sight of a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk toward him. He squinted, watching as the girl strolled along without a care in the world, her eyes glued to the window displays in the various shops. He waited until she got closer—close enough to be absolutely certain.
The teenager stopped, eyes wide in both bewilderment and fear. She took a sudden step backward, and for a moment, Marty thought she might turn and run, but she didn’t. Instead, she stayed stuck in place and waited for her father to catch up.
Marlene gave a nervous grin. “Hi.”
“Funny. I seem to recall dropping you off at school this morning.”
“Yeah. Um, well, I kind of…didn’t actually go in.”
“I see that.” Marty crossed his arms and tipped his head, running through options of where to go from here. Wondering if this was the first time, or just the first time she’d been caught.
 “I’m sorry, Dad. I’m really sorry! I won’t do it again. I just—” she threw open her arms and then dropped them to her sides with a huff. “I don’t know. I needed a day.”
“And you couldn’t have just told me or Mom that?”
“Guess it’s more fun when it’s a secret.”
Marty raked his hands through his hair. What was he going to do with this kid?
“Can we keep this between us, Dad? Please?”
“Please, please? I’ll do extra chores, and I won’t go out with my friends this weekend, and—” she stopped, then took a quick step toward him. “Wait a minute, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Uhh…” Marty shifted in place and adjusted the sleeves of his jacket. “Yeah, but, um—well, I'm meeting your mother for brunch.”
“Isn’t Mom supposed to be at work too? I saw her getting ready this morning.” At his lack of response, Marlene’s mouth fell open, her look of incredulity giving way to a brisk laugh. “Oh, I see; she was just getting ready to play hooky with you. Which apparently, I’m not allowed to do but you two can.”
“It’s different for us than for you. You know that.”
After a moment of consideration, Marlene’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Yeah. I really am sorry.”
She was. He could see it on her face and hear it in her voice. Marlene knew how to put on a good act when she wanted, but this wasn’t one of those times. He felt his heart soften. “I know.”
“So…can we keep this between us?”
Well, it wasn’t like he could send her to school now, and he wasn’t about to grant her permission to continue gallivanting around town. Marty checked his watch. He was going to be late to brunch now.
“Go home, Marlene,” he said, voice firm. “Straight home. We’ll talk later.”
Marlene breathed a sigh of relief, then flung her arms around her father. “Thank you.” She broke from the hug with a frown. “What about when you and Mom get home after brunch?”
“We’re, ah, not gonna be home for a while. Kind of have a whole day planned.”
She raised her eyebrows.
“Go home, Marley.”
“Right. Straight home. Love you, Dad.”
“I love you too.” 
He watched as his daughter spun on her heels and began to make her way down the block before turning to flash him a smile. “I was right, though, huh?” she called. “It’s more fun when it’s a secret.”
“See you later, Marlene,” he called back, shooing her on her way. Then he looked at his watch again, sighed, and took off running for the café.
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bttf-dork · 1 year
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Marlene’s closet for #mcflyjuly
I just realized I’ve never drawn Marlene before.
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I’m thinking of writing a whole story where Marlene mcfly is friend with a lady in her 60? 50s? And the lady in her 60s or 50s find the blueprints For the flux capacitor and basically makes the deloreon but with a different car From 2015 and Marlene and the lady time travel and get stuck in 1985 but I’m not really sure If I should write it though.
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bg-sparrow · 3 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲🌲 || day 23 Marlene's Sleepover
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The joint birthdays stop at age ten. 
Junior wants laser tag. Marlene wants a slumber party.
She and her friends are currently obsessed with Harry Potter, so of course, for this sleepover to be a success, the house transforms into the Wizarding World.
They sort each other into Houses, play Pin the Nose on Voldemort, and stay up talking over all four movies about their predictions for the final book coming out later that summer. At one point, they do makeovers for the Yule Ball and assign each other a boyfriend.
“Why do you get Oliver Wood?”
“It’s my birthday.”
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